Schöck Dorn.
Shear Dowels for Expansion Joints.
Whether you are building bridges, slabs in high-rise buildings, or underground parking garage floors, expansion joints prevent cracks caused by shrinkage or temperature changes. However, conventional expansion joint designs, such as corbels, are labor intensive to install and take up a lot of space. Schöck Dorn shear dowel solutions are an economical and effective alternative to other expansion joint systems.
The effective solution
Using Dorn shear dowels for expansion joint applications helps simplify the design and construction of expansion joints, while making the best possible use of the available space. They can be used in all joints where lateral forces are transferred and perpendicular movement to the joint is needed – connections from ceilings to walls, ceilings to beams, stairwells to walls, and in balcony plates separated by joints. Typical applications include parking garages, stadiums, airports, highway noise barriers, hospitals, malls and other building expansions.
These shear reinforcement and heavy-duty dowels for transferring shear forces in expansion joints arrive on site ready for installation, eliminating the need for complex detailed solutions. Concrete can be poured in one step instead of three, helping to make your job quicker and easier. Schöck Dorn Shear Dowels provide straightforward, reliable and affordable solution.
Schöck Services.
Ready to assist you.
Schöck North America’s dedicated team is here to support you – ensuring that you end up with the most effective and efficient solution available – every time.
Peace of mind: Schöck’s engineers and technical sales professionals bring expertise and guidance to help you realize your project’s performance goals.
Design aids: Schöck provides readily accessible product drawings and other technical documentation to assist with your design considerations.
Proven reliability: Schöck has been the industry leader in building products since 1962. With millions of products installed worldwide, we have the know-how and experience to meet your project needs.
For questions about your project, please contact your Regional Sales Manager. Or if you’re ready for pricing, simply fill out a Project Request Form.